How to be a good web developer
1 min readOct 16, 2022
Hi Bloke, I am talk gonna about. web development , well its been years that i have
Seen web development in all prospective for example as a student , intern and as a full- time developer , developing so many product for organisation i have came to conclusion that web development is not the destination its a journey and for journey you need to have things weapons in your arsenal to gun web developer :
- Try do javascript before jumping into any library or framework
- Yeah HTML and Css as important as my 3rd point
- Get to know about developer tool of chrome( Mainly it is used by many developer) or you try other also
- Try debug code as much as possible
- If you are going towards full stack then its common sense to use node js because it is a. ………. Yeah you know that
- Learn about HTTPS request and response
- Security of your application (tokenisation , AuthO , API Security. )
- Database should depends on your requirement it can be no sql or sql , learn about how to get response quickly from you Database for example indexing is one way of lot
- Don’t panic if you find javascript difficult , because it is , relax and have faith result might not come immediately but definitely.